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3 Top Phishing Scams and How to Catch Them

Top Phishing Scams

Employees continue to be the weakest link in your cybersecurity defenses. Knowing what to look for, and then imparting that knowledge through regular training, is an effective way to reduce employee-driven risk.

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Why You Need Security Awareness Training

Cybersecurity Training

Recent estimates peg the percentage of human-caused data breaches between 40% and 60%. Workers’ costly transgressions run the gamut, from clicking on an enticing but malicious email link to the negligent or careless mishandling of sensitive data and logins.

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Malware Manual – Part 5: 3 Keys for Cybersecurity Response Planning

Cyber Security Planning

Malware Manual – Part 5: 3 Keys for Cybersecurity Response Planning Joe Higgins May 17, 2019 Recently, the international research and advisory company Gartner, Inc., predicted global corporate spending on IT security will increase 12.4% this year over 2018 to roughly $124 billion. The driver of all this spending growth? Security risks, business needs and…

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Malware Manual – Part 4: Basic Tactics for Cybersecurity Monitoring & Maintenance

Malware Manual – Part 4: Basic Tactics for Cybersecurity Monitoring & Maintenance Joe Higgins Apr 18, 2019 In the last installment of our Malware Manual series, we called today’s business security challenges a “cyber siege in the digital realm” because to many companies – large or small – the onslaught of cybercrime can feel like…

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Malware Manual – Part 3: Your Best Fortification to Survive a Data Breach

Malware Manual – Part 3: Your Best Fortification to Survive a Data Breach Joe Higgins Mar 21, 2019 Anyone who reads business books is familiar with military analogies for many aspects of running an organization – from strategic planning to operational efficiency. Leadership gurus encourage CEOs to read Sun Tzu’s The Art of War to learn strategy, as…

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