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3 Big Employment Law Changes

Submitted by Connell Foley. Some of these employment law changes will impact employers sooner than others, so it is important for all employers to review their policies and employment contracts and consult with employment counsel.

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Employers Beware of “the Wall”

Connell Foley

Submitted by Connell Foley. The WALL is a public list that includes the names of employers that have been found in violation of New Jersey State wage, benefit and tax laws and have outstanding liabilities to the NJDOL.

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New Jersey Employers Have New Reporting Obligations Per Amendments to Unemployment Compensation Law

Connell Foley

Submitted by Michael Shadiack and Naomi Gulama, Connell Foley. In November 2022, Governor Phil Murphy approved significant amendments to New Jersey’s Unemployment Compensation Law (“UCL”) which became effective on July 31, 2023.

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“Temporary Workers Bill of Rights” Creates New Obligations for Staffing Agencies and New Jersey Employers

Submitted by Connell Foley. With some provisions of the “Temporary Workers Bill of Rights” becoming effective as early as May 7, 2023, staffing agencies and employers should use this time to review whether their current contracts and policies comply with the new requirements.

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Employee or Independent Contractor?

Connell Foley

Submitted by Connell Foley. Like many employment issues, there is no one-size-fits all checklist that definitively proves whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor, but rather it is a fact-sensitive analysis.

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