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NECC Member Blog

Creative Healthy Habits

By System Administrator | July 2, 2020 | Comments Off on Creative Healthy Habits

A healthy lifestyle happens one healthy habit at a time. And the kickoff to summer is as good a time as any to start a new goal. discover some ideas for healthy habits that help establish and reinforce the core pillars of healthy living: nutrition, sleep, fitness, and hydration.

Breaking the Chain Through Education Update

By System Administrator | June 25, 2020 | Comments Off on Breaking the Chain Through Education Update

Although people all over the globe face the same threat, the US media has not covered the impact of Covid-19 on Sub Saharan Africa. Many of you have have asked how our children are faring in Ghana. We have asked our Director/Social Worker in Ghana, Bernice Akromah, to update you.

Revising Business Compensation Models During the Pandemic

By Julia Tsoy | June 18, 2020 | Comments Off on Revising Business Compensation Models During the Pandemic

Because of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, businesses across a variety of industries are revising their sales compensation models. Nonprofit workforce researchers WorldatWork released a report in late April indicating that 36% of organizations had begun addressing sales compensation in light of the crisis, and another 49% were developing plans to do so. If your company is considering changes to how it compensates sales staff in a drastically changed economy, here are three of the most common actions being implemented according to the survey,

Growing Up in Newark in the ’60s

By Robert Ciampi | June 11, 2020 | Comments Off on Growing Up in Newark in the ’60s

In the 1960’s we witnessed much violence in our country – the assassination of president John F. Kennedy, his brother, the attorney general Robert Kennedy, and the prominent civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, all struck down by assassins bullets for all the public to see. At the end of the decade, with racial tensions high in many American cities, the flood gates burst open.

CARES Act Legislation Summary

By System Administrator | June 4, 2020 | Comments Off on CARES Act Legislation Summary
CARES Act Legislation

On March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus, Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (the “Act”) was signed into law. A portion of the Act is intended to loosen access to retirement plan funds and provide relief for individuals impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a summary of the retirement-related provisions of the Act.

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