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NECC Member Blog

Now’s Not the Time to Stop Marketing

By Holly Kaplansky | April 23, 2020 | Comments Off on Now’s Not the Time to Stop Marketing
Marketing in a Downturn

Marketers that take a long-term view of their media strategy will be well positioned down the line. Sales will be lower all around during an economic downturn but the marketing you do today will help you over the next year, the next five years, and beyond.

Financial Considerations During a Pandemic

By Julia Tsoy | April 17, 2020 | Comments Off on Financial Considerations During a Pandemic

A falling stock market, a potential economic downturn and a lack of clear answers about when things will return to “normal” may have you wondering what to do with your investments.In this webinar you’ll learn about:Current market movements and their impact on long-term financial goals, what to do with your existing 401(k) plans and preparing for potential defaults and valuation, investment and funding issues,

Addressing Security Concerns Related to Zoom

By Michael Daniels | April 9, 2020 | Comments Off on Addressing Security Concerns Related to Zoom

In response to the identified security concerns raised nationwide relative to Zoom Video and Audio services

12 Tips for Effective Web Meetings With Clients

By Michael Daniels | April 3, 2020 | Comments Off on 12 Tips for Effective Web Meetings With Clients

Use these 12 tips to help you hold an effective web meeting – no matter where you are.

You Can’t Do It All & Why You Don’t Want To

By Holly Kaplansky | March 26, 2020 | Comments Off on You Can’t Do It All & Why You Don’t Want To
Overworked businesswoman

No one is good at everything and no one can do everything. Being an entrepreneur is stressful enough — don’t create more stress by thinking you can do everything single-handedly.

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